Xixi Wetland Park


·Xixi Wetland, famous for "one curved stream and one smoke", was once called "Hangzhou Three Wests" together with West Lake and Xiling.
·Xixi National Wetland Park is located in the west of the city, where the environment is quiet and the waterways are crisscrossed, which is a rare natural wetland in the city, known as the "kidney of Hangzhou".
·Xixi Wetland is divided into East District and West District, the East District includes Phase I and Phase II, and the West District is the Phase III Hongyuan Scenic Area.
·The East District is the essence of the natural scenery of Xixi Wetland, and taking a boat through the intricate waterways is the best way to experience the natural ecology.

Time reference--
more than 3 hours

Tickets: RMB 80; Battery boat: 60 RMB; Battery car: RMB 10 for single line / RMB 20 for combined ticket (January 1 - December 31 Monday - Sunday)
Half ticket: 1. Minors aged 6-18 with adult guardianship, full-time undergraduate students and below will be given a half-price discount on tickets with their valid documents.

Opening hours--
07:30-18:30 (All day) (April 1 - October 7 Mon-Sun)
08:00-17:30 (All day) (October 8 - March 31 Mon-Sun)